
Budget-Friendly Multi-Day Tours in Morocco: How to Travel on a Shoestring

Morocco is a country rich in culture, history, and natural beauty. However, many people believe that visiting Morocco is an expensive endeavor. But that’s not true. Morocco is one of the most budget-friendly destinations in North Africa. With a little planning, you can travel to Morocco on a shoestring budget and still have a fantastic time. In this article, we’ll discuss how to travel to Morocco on a budget and explore some of the best budget-friendly multi-day tours in Morocco.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Choose Morocco for a Budget-Friendly Trip?
  3. Tips for Traveling to Morocco on a Shoestring Budget
    1. Travel During the Off-Season
    2. Stay in Hostels or Riads
    3. Eat Street Food
    4. Negotiate Prices
    5. Use Public Transportation
    6. Join a Group Tour
    7. Shop at Local Markets
    8. Skip the Souvenirs
  4. Best Budget-Friendly Multi-Day Tours in Morocco
    1. Marrakech to Essaouira via Agadir
    2. Marrakech To Ouarzazat
    3. Agadir to Marrakech via Essaouira
    4. Tangier to Marrakech Tour
    5. Agadir to Ouarzazat
    6. Marrakech To Chefchaouen
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQs

Why Choose Morocco for a Budget-Friendly Trip?

Morocco is a fantastic destination for travelers on a budget. You can find affordable accommodation, food, and transportation. Also, the country has a diverse range of activities and sights to offer. You can experience the vibrant cities, hike in the Atlas Mountains, ride camels in the Sahara Desert, or explore the coastline. Morocco is a great place to visit if you’re looking for a cultural experience without breaking the bank.

Tips for Traveling to Morocco on a Shoestring Budget

Here are some tips to help you travel to Morocco on a shoestring budget:

Travel During the Off-Season

The peak tourist season in Morocco is from June to August. During this time, prices are higher, and the crowds are larger. If you want to save money, consider traveling during the off-season. The best time to visit Morocco is from March to May or September to November. The weather is mild, and prices are lower.

Stay in Hostels or Riads

Hostels and riads are the best options for budget travelers in Morocco. Hostels offer affordable dormitory-style accommodation, while riads are traditional Moroccan guesthouses with private rooms. Both options offer a unique experience and a chance to meet other travelers. Also, many hostels and riads offer free breakfast, which is a great way to save money.

Eat Street Food

Moroccan street food is delicious and affordable. You can find grilled meat skewers, sandwiches, and traditional Moroccan dishes like tagine and couscous. Street food vendors are available everywhere in Morocco, and they offer a wide variety of options. Eating street food is a great way to save money and experience local cuisine.

Negotiate Prices

Moroccans love to haggle, and it’s a common practice in the markets and souks. You can negotiate prices for almost everything in Morocco, from souvenirs to taxis. When negotiating, start with a lower price and work your way up. Also, remember that the first price offered is usually higher than the actual price.

Use Public Transportation

Public transportation is a budget-friendly way to travel in Morocco. The country has an extensive bus and train network that connects major cities and towns. Buses are the cheapest option,

and you can travel between cities for as low as 30 MAD (Moroccan dirhams), which is less than $4 USD. Trains are a bit more expensive but offer a more comfortable and faster option. Also, taxis are available in most cities, but you should negotiate the price before getting in.

Join a Group Tour

Group tours are an excellent option for budget travelers in Morocco. They offer a chance to explore the country with other travelers, which can be a fun and memorable experience. Also, group tours usually include accommodation, transportation, and some meals, which can save you money. You can find many group tour operators in Morocco, and prices start at around $50 USD per day.

Shop at Local Markets

Local markets, or souks, are a great place to shop for souvenirs, spices, and clothing. However, prices can be higher for tourists. To get the best prices, shop at the local markets and avoid the touristy areas. Also, remember to negotiate prices, and don’t be afraid to walk away if you’re not happy with the price.

Skip the Souvenirs

Souvenirs can be expensive in Morocco, and they can quickly add up. Instead of buying souvenirs, focus on the experiences and memories. Take photos, try local cuisine, and immerse yourself in the culture. Also, consider buying practical items like spices or tea, which are affordable and can be a great reminder of your trip.

Best Budget-Friendly Multi-Day Tours in Morocco

Here are some of the best budget-friendly multi-day tours in Morocco:

Marrakech to Essaouira via Agadir

This tour starts in Marrakech and takes you on a journey to the Sahara Desert. You’ll explore the High Atlas Mountains, visit Ait Benhaddou, and ride camels in the desert. The tour lasts for three days and includes transportation, accommodation, and some meals. Prices start at around 400 € per person.

Marrakech To Ouarzazat

This tour takes you from Marrakech Ouarzazat and includes visits to several cities and towns along the way. You’ll explore Dades Gorge a beautiful canyon with high cliffs and crystal-clear water ,Arfoud, a small town known for its fossil industry and date palms. head towards Merzouga, a small village on the edge of the Sahara desert. Enjoy a camel ride in the desert and witness the beautiful sunset over the sand dunes. The tour lasts for three days and includes transportation, accommodation, and some meals. Prices start at around 325€ per person.

Agadir to Marrakech via Essaouira

This tour starts in Agadir and head towards Essaouira, a coastal city known for its charming medina and picturesque harbor. The Seconde Day Depart from Essaouira and head towards Marrakech, the “Red City”. Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant along the way. The tour lasts for three days and includes transportation, accommodation, and all meals. Prices start at around 375€ per person.

Tangier to Marrakech Tour

This tour takes you from Tangier to Marrakech and includes visits to several cities and towns along the way. You’ll explore the blue city of Chefchaouen, Meknes – Fes , Ifran and more , visit the ancient Roman ruins of Volubilis, and ride camels in the Sahara Desert. The tour lasts for 7 days and includes transportation, accommodation, and meals. Prices start at around 1000€ per person for 7 days.

Agadir to Ouarzazat

Traveling from Agadir to Ouarzazat is an incredible experience that takes you through some of Morocco’s most stunning landscapes. You’ll drive through the rugged mountains of the High Atlas, pass by ancient kasbahs and historic villages, and see some of the country’s most breathtaking natural wonders. Along the way, you’ll have the opportunity to meet friendly locals, try delicious Moroccan cuisine, and immerse yourself in the rich culture and history of this fascinating country. Whether you’re a budget traveler or looking for a more luxurious experience, there are plenty of options for exploring this incredible region of Morocco. The tour lasts for two days and includes transportation, accommodation, and all meals. Prices start at around 200€ per person.

Marrakech To Chefchaouen

This tour starts in Marrakech and takes you to the blue city of Chefchaouen. Along the way, you’ll visit the ancient city Asilah, a beautiful coastal town known for its white-washed walls and colorful murals Take a stroll through the Medina of Asilah and admire the art galleries and street art, and  visiting the Hassan II Mosque, one of the largest mosques in the world, which is built on the ocean and features stunning architecture and intricate details.. The tour lasts for 4 days and includes transportation, accommodation, and all meals. Prices start at around 550€ per person.


Morocco is a fantastic destination for budget travelers. With its rich culture, history, and stunning landscapes, you can have a memorable experience without breaking the bank. By following the tips and taking advantage of the budget-friendly tours, you can explore Morocco on a shoestring.

Remember to stay safe, negotiate prices, and be respectful of the local culture. With a bit of planning and research, you can have an unforgettable trip to Morocco without spending a fortune.


  1. Is Morocco safe for budget travelers?

Morocco is generally a safe country for budget travelers. However, it’s important to be aware of pickpocketing and scams in touristy areas. It’s also advisable to dress modestly and be respectful of the local culture.

  1. Can I travel in Morocco without a guide?

Yes, you can travel in Morocco without a guide. However, it’s important to do your research, especially if you’re traveling to remote areas. It’s also a good idea to learn some basic Arabic phrases to communicate with locals.

  1. What is the best time to visit Morocco?

The best time to visit Morocco is during the spring (March to May) and fall (September to November) when the weather is mild and comfortable for outdoor activities.

  1. What is the currency used in Morocco?

The currency used in Morocco is the Moroccan dirham (MAD).

  1. What should I pack for a budget-friendly trip to Morocco?

It’s important to pack comfortable and modest clothing, a hat, sunscreen, and insect repellent. You may also want to bring a reusable water bottle and a backpack for day trips.

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